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The 4 ways managed IT reduces stress in the workplace

Written by Entech | Feb 6, 2020 10:00:00 AM

Technology can have a significant impact on workplace stress, both good and bad. We rely on technology to streamline processes, boost productivity, and solve inefficiencies. However, technology can also cause lots of headaches, especially if you have limited resources and expertise. So how can you leverage technology without it stressing you out? Managed IT services could be the solution.

Technostress is a real thing

Technostress describes the stress that technology can bring. There are many variations of technostress, from being overloaded to complexity to uncertainty. As a business owner, you realize the benefits of technology and what you can gain from it, but you may not have the time or expertise to deploy and maintain it. You can eliminate much of the stress around how your company uses and leverages technology with IT managed services.

Dedicated IT experts reduce complexity and uncertainty stressors

Without dedicated IT experts, the mounting stress of complicated networks and not knowing how to leverage technology properly can be crippling.

While you may have a small IT team, they don’t necessarily have the capacity to fix every problem immediately. When workers don’t have the technology tools they need, they become frustrated and less engaged. With managed IT, you have a dedicated team that keeps all your applications running smoothly and can quickly take on any service issues.

IT can be stressful when you don’t have a budget

If you currently operate on a break-fix model, then you probably have no idea what you’ll spend on IT in the next year. Break-fix refers to using a third-party IT provider when a problem arises. These issues can vary in complexity and cost. In fact, you’ll pay significantly more if it’s an emergency.

With managed IT, you’ll know what your spending every month on services. There are no surprises, and because your network is proactively managed, most problems can be identified and fixed before they become chaotic.

Calm concerns about security and compliance

Technology should make your business run smoother and enable you to scale as needed. You may, however, feel stressed about data security and compliance with regulations relevant to your operations. Cybersecurity is a valid concern, as data breaches exposed over 4.1 billion records in the first half of 2019!

With managed IT, a team of experienced security professionals will safeguard your sensitive data 24/7. Your network will always be monitored to thwart any breach attempts and be continually scanned for dangers such as phishing attacks.

Data compliance may also be a concern if your business is in a highly regulated field like finance or healthcare. You have no choice but to comply with regulations around how you gather, store, and use data. Again, managed IT focuses on best practices to ensure your data usage is always compliant, putting to rest one more worry.

Relieve worries about downtime

Downtime is something any business fears. It can prove disastrous for an organization and cause them to lose revenue. From natural disasters to cybersecurity incidents, downtime seems almost inevitable. But you can quickly relieve these worries with managed IT. That’s because your provider will always be looking for potential IT issues, and if downtime does occur, they’ll have a plan in place to get you back up and running.

Managed IT is an excellent solution to help lessen the stress of technology in the workplace. Put the concerns of IT on a trusted provider’s plate, so you can focus on growing your company and serving your customers.