Webinar + Events

Episode 4: Zoom Video Webinars

Written by Entech | May 12, 2020 6:24:16 PM

Because this is a demo, you’ll probably need to watch the video for the full experience. Here is a list of what is covered.

Scheduling a webinar

  • Create a topic for your webinar.
  • Give a description what the content will be.
  • Schedule the time, duration and what time zone it will be in.
  • You can have a recurring webinar.
  • Registration can be required, this way you can see who attends your webinar.  
  • The webinar password will keep your meeting secure.
  • Video’s can be on or off for the hosts and the panelist, you can choose this in your settings.
  • For the audio, you can choose to have it either on the telephone computer audio or both, depending on who will be joining the webinar.
  • The webinar options you can choose to have a Q&A, a practice session, etc.
  • Hosts have full control of the webinar as far as starting and stopping it.
  • A panelist can only control their video and their screen.


  • To invite someone to a webinar you will need to add the panelist to the webinar through the template itself.
  • This will also send someone the panelist an invite to the webinar.
  • You can either copy or email yourself to attend the webinar in the “invite attendees” list
  • You can also copy the link itself and mass send it out in emails.
  • The external links can also be added to the registration, so you can track where people register and how they access it.
  • Approving registrants can be restricted or automatically approved depending on the settings.
  • Registration is where you can choose what is important for you to know when people register, their last name, organization affiliation, etc.
  • Registrants is where you can also see who has registered for your webinar, and depending on what you required from the registration, you can view who they are.

Email Settings

  • This is where you can set up the contact for the webinar.
  • You can have confirmation emails sent upon registration and leading up to the webinar.


  • You can customize your registration page, to add your logo and content that you want others to see when registering for the event.
  • You can also add the speaker’s head shots and pictures to the webinar, so people know who is going to be speaking.
  • On the registration page, you may only add up to three speakers.
  • You can also change the theme, company colors or what you would like on the website.
  • A post webinar survey can also be added to the email sent out after the meeting.


  • This allows others to ask questions throughout the presentation, you can choose for them to be anonymous and allow people in the presentation to reply.
  • This is where you can also allow attendees to view questions as well.

Live Streaming

  • You can live stream your webinar to Facebook live, Workplace and YouTube
  • After launching the webinar click, “More” and then choose the service on which to live stream your webinar.

Previous Webinars

  • You can access your old webinar from this page to see the attendee’s information.
  • This is where you can also view all previous webinars that you have had.
  • This is where you can also see how long someone was logged into the webinar and when they left.
  • All old webinars can be recorded and posted elsewhere.