Case Study at a Glance

Company: Home Performance Alliance (aka HPA)
Industry: Custom replacement windows and doors
Employees: 200
Location: 3

The situation

When we were first contacted by HPA, they expressed frustration with their local IT service company. After making big promises on fully managing HPA’s technology, including their VoIP phone system, their servers, and general support, they failed to deliver a solution. This left HPA having to manage their own IT support, defeating the purpose of having an IT service provider. Looking for a team of professionals that could help them scale and grow with their technology, they found us. We were more than happy to take on the challenge.


About HPA

Home Performance Alliance (HPA) has more than 10 years of experience providing window & door replacement services for Florida homeowners. They provide best-in-class customer service with quality products made in the USA for local Floridians.

“Issues would always go from one IT tech to another, because no one had any answers. I had to keep escalating support levels for any issue beyond starting my computer.”

– The Client


“Anything that we wanted to do was always extra money. It was always reactive and not proactive. I’d be running around the office 20 times a day fixing IT issues. Silver lining – I was getting great cardio exercises in back then.”

– The Client

“Yeah, they ‘took over’ everything. And when I say took over, I don’t mean that they actually did it. The systems were crashing, nobody was able to get anything done. It was really pretty awful.”

– The Client

The solution

The IT support change was night and day for HPA. We freed them from the old reactive support by providing proactive support. Instantly, the team found themselves with more precious time and resources that they didn’t have before. We helped them migrate over to better, more effective technology platforms that boosted their efficiency and cut their downtime significantly. Within 6 weeks of our transition over as their dedicated technology partner, their technology was cleaned up and optimized to fit their needs.


What We Did for HPA

  • Provided responsive and proactive IT support to their locations
  • Spun up servers in the cloud for better data accessibility and availability
  • Revamped their VoIP business phone system
  • Migrated their existing email system and backed up their infrastructure

The takeaway

Simply put, the breaking point boiled down to time. HPA was constantly having to call in 3-4 times just to get anything done correctly, pulling them away from focusing on their business and their customers. Though not particularly unique, the sentiment that HPA felt for their old IT company is far from uncommon. Despite the unique challenges, we were able to get HPA control of their systems. That put them back on the path to success with their own technology.