Case study #1: Construction Company
Employees: 25
- In-house server
- In-house email
- Primary line of business application
- Internet-based permitting and financial processing
- ISP: Comcast
Total monthly bill: $226.35

The situation
This particular construction company heavily relies on remote access for employees in the field and on project sites. When we first met with them, they were paying a 5-year-old rate for an “entry-level” package from Comcast. They had never reviewed their package or their needs in those five years, and as a result, they were only receiving 16 MB of download speed, which was greatly inhibiting their mobility, efficiency, and overall access.
Our solution
We leveraged our contacts in the industry to renegotiate their agreement. Now, they’re receiving a download speed of 50 MB at a monthly rate of $121.18. This new internet service package increased data speeds, eliminated connection issues, and improved productivity by more than 30%.
Annual Savings: $1,262.04
Case study #2:
Mid-size Hospitality Organization
Employees: 50
- 3 in-house servers
- Hosted email services
- QuickBooks and QuickBooks POS
- Internet-based credit card processing
- ISP: Windstream Communications
Total monthly bill: $3,426.12
The situation
This company was relying on an outdated, “bank-style” infrastructure to connect their buildings — using T1 lines from their designated internet service provider. This situation ended up costing them thousands of dollars in extra charges every month.
Our solution
Once we partnered with this company, we were able to reorganize their network structure. We leveraged industry contacts to bring in new internet connections from multiple providers to ensure 100% redundancy and eliminated their outdated connections in the process. Their new configuration resulted in a lower payment of $635.20, giving them an 81% reduction in monthly internet spend.
Annual Savings: $33,491.04
The takeaway
All ISP contracts should be audited once every year. The cost of these services fluctuate, and there are always new promotions and offerings in the works. Partner with us, and we can help you audit your internet agreement, evaluate your setup, and review your spend. We have strategic partnerships with all major ISPs in the market, and we are more than ready to help you score a better agreement for more value and less money.