Many companies begrudgingly embrace technology. You know them well, the companies that waited forever to switch to paperless billing. The ones that insist you fax in your paperwork. The ones that refuse to allow employees to bring their devices to work. You don’t consider yourself to be one of those types of organizations. But are you a truly innovative technology organization? Are you ready to invest in technology that is managed properly and tools that help your employees to be more productive? Here are some signs that you’re an innovative technology organization:
- You reimburse for BYOD or have invested in tablets or laptops for your mobile workforce.
You realize that employees prefer to use their own devices over company-issued devices and you also realize that there is a significant cost savings to BYOD. Investing in tablets or laptops to help your workforce be more productive is just part of the equation. These devices have to be managed for antivirus and secured with the appropriate access protocols. You should also have a policy in place to govern how devices that have access to company data are used and issue a best-practice guide for browsing and download habits.
- You have recently adopted a line of business application to manage your internal processes.
Updating your line of business application is a huge step, one that typically is only completed by organizations that recognize the importance of automating some of their processes. Business applications geared towards your industry can help you streamline, eliminate some paper and really refine the fulfillment and administrative end of your business. Taking it a step further, it’s important to ensure that the application that you choose is truly well-suited for your processes and that you build the appropriate integrations with existing applications used by other departments. A technology strategist can help you to fill in the missing pieces and set documentation to ensure that your employees are properly trained on your technology.
- You understand the importance of security.
You understand the importance of protecting your network and data, and it’s more than just a compliance thing for you. Your customers and clients trust you and you want them to know that you don’t take advantage of that trust. Maintaining a secure network will always be part of your budget. In order to really maximize your security budget, make sure that you’re updating your router and firewall – as new encryption in malware and viruses has them sneaking through some networks.
So, what’s the next step? An innovative organization needs a comprehensive technology strategy. Whether you’re working with an in-house IT department or an outsourced IT provider, you deserve technology strategy and centralized technology management that will allow you to truly walk away from your technology without worrying. If you’re not already embracing Managed Services or have no idea what’s next for your organization from an innovative technology perspective, it might be time to engage a provider that can help you continually innovate that technology.
Not every company “gets it” like you – but make sure that you make the most of your existing technology and truly continue the innovation that you’ve already started inside your organization by having the right partner on your side.